KDE Minuet
Grow your music knowledge!
Music education Free Software, thoughtfully designed to push your musical skills to the next level. Enhance your ability to recognize intervals, chords, rhythms, and scales while enjoying all the power of Free Software.

What's Minuet about?
Minuet is a free and open source software for music education. It is part of KDE Edu ‒ the suite of educational applications developed by the KDE Community.
- Enhance your musical perception skills
- Visualize exercises on the piano keyboard
- Adjust playing settings to your needs
- Create your own musical exercises
What's cool about Minuet?
Enjoy all nice features Minuet provides and start gigging now!
A lot of exercises
Nearly 40 exercises regarding intervals, chords, and scales.
Visualize your music
Check your musical perception skills on piano keyboard.
Highly configurable
Adjustable playing settings, from beginners to pro.
Create your own exercises and adapt Minuet to your needs.
Minuet now works on GNU/Linux and Android.
Join us!
You can help making Minuet even better.
Check out Minuet's demonstration video.
Minuet aims at supporting students and teachers in many aspects of music education, such as ear training, first-sight reading, solfa, scales, rhythm, harmony, and improvisation.
- Easily installable in most Linux distributions
- Flexible use of any ALSA-compatible MIDI backend
- First-run configuration wizard
- Add your own exercises
Download available
Install Minuet and check out its nice features now!
Minuet is available as binaries packages from major Linux Distributions. We are working hard to have it running on other platforms soon. Of course, you can also buid it from sources.

Get Involved
Minuet is developed by the KDE Community.
If you like music and all the joy of contributing to Free Software projects, Minuet is a nice opportunity to do what you love! Developers, translators, artwork designers, musicians, teachers, and promotion people: everyone is welcome to join the Minuet team and help enhance the Free Software ecosystem for music education.
If you want to contribute, please contact us in our communications channels described below. Also, check out Minuet's repository and Minuet's Phabricator workboard. Just choose a bug to fix or a feature to implement. We'll be happy to review your work and quite grateful for your contribution!

Contact us
Get in touch.
Do you have something to say about Minuet? Send us a message using the form below.